Helping Your Children Become Heroes Since 1989 👨‍🏫

We can make him tell more about himself

Play School

At Makkah Al Mokaramah, we provide a safe,
nurturing environment where your child can thrive.

Our experienced educators use a play-based approach to foster learning,creativity, and social skills.

We focus on emotional and social development, ensuring your child builds confidence and empathy.

With a stimulating curriculum, clean facilities, and flexible scheduling, we support both your child’s growth and your family’s needs.

Plus, we keep you involved every step of the way through regular communication and updates.

Language School

Our Language Department offers a dynamic and engaging environment where students can develop fluency in multiple languages.

We use a modern curriculum that incorporates interactive techniques, fostering both verbal and written communication skills.

Our dedicated teachers help students build confidence and proficiency, encouraging them to explore and appreciate diverse cultures.

By tailoring our approach to meet each student’s needs, we ensure a deep and lasting understanding of the languages they study.


Arabic School

Our Arabic Department is committed to providing an immersive and enriching language experience for students.

We emphasize fluency, literacy, and cultural understanding through a curriculum that balances traditional teaching with modern, interactive methods.

Our skilled educators guide students in developing strong communication skills, deepening their appreciation of the Arabic language and its cultural significance.

By creating an engaging and supportive learning environment, we ensure that each student builds confidence and a lasting connection to the Arabic language.

Manager / Owner
MR . Hussain Ibrahim Al Hammamy

Praise be to Allah for the knowledge of expression, the completion of generosity, virtue, and benevolence, and for granting the pious knowledge and faith. May peace and blessings be upon the guide, the intercessor of the nation, and the mercy to all worlds.

From our beloved school’s website, I express my gratitude and appreciation to our students, their parents, my colleagues, and the teachers. I affirm that we are partners in success, empowered by your faith, determination, and trust that you have bestowed upon us. Let us join forces so that our children can achieve their ambitions and realize their potential. The best guidance comes from the words of the beloved Prophet (peace be upon him): *"Whoever follows a path in search of knowledge, Allah will make the path to Paradise easy for them."


الحمد لله على ما علم من البيان، وتمم من الجود، والفضل، والإحسان، ووهب المتقين من العلم والإيمان
والصلاة والسلام على الهادي، شفيع الأمة، رحمة العالمين

من موقع مدرستنا الحبيبة، أعبر عن شكري وتقديري لأبنائنا الطلبة، ولأولياء أمورهم، ولزملائي المعلمين.
.وأؤكد على أننا معكم شركاء في النجاح، بما تملكونه من إيمان وعزيمة وثقة وهبتموها لنا

.فلنتكاتف معاً ليحقق أبناؤنا طموحاتهم وتحقيق ذاتهم
"وخير من نستهدي به قول الحبيب، صلى الله عليه وسلم: "من سلك طريقًا يلتمس فيه علمًا، سهل الله له طريقًا إلى الجنة "

Contact Us

Our team is always available to assist you.

The undertaking of a new action brings new strength.

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